
Hardstyle Smasher

Info Level Experience Last seen
Hardstyle Smasher

Voc: Knight
Town: Thais
Premium status: No
25 220,118 2025-03-20 14:51:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
25 25 Cl: 25
Sw: 25
Ax: 25
25 25 25
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2025-03-19 15:51:13 26 Sepherx and Oten
2025-03-17 14:18:20 27 Kina De Barreiros
2025-03-15 17:49:45 27 Garen
2025-03-09 13:43:30 28 Alastor Moody
2025-03-09 13:41:23 29 Vitt Gift
2025-03-05 15:48:00 30 Invalido and Smashed
2025-01-21 17:40:33 30 Naughty Boy and Kaczy
2024-11-28 07:45:04 30 Dyh Boladao and Pitu
2024-09-23 09:28:44 17 Rennatin Win (Unjustified) , Rennatin Win
2024-09-20 02:15:02 15 slime
2024-09-15 13:11:56 3 poison spider
Last 10 kills
Date Victim level Victim
2025-03-19 15:46:52 20 El Ganja
2025-03-19 15:46:27 28 Peh Pe
2025-03-18 14:08:12 15 Tdalafila
2025-03-17 14:13:36 16 Runador Nobre
2025-03-15 17:39:51 10 King Dulokz
2025-03-15 17:33:31 21 Beefheart
2025-03-15 17:33:07 50 Bella Lugosi
2025-03-15 17:28:55 13 Pytles
2025-03-09 13:39:40 8 Muguetsu
2025-03-05 05:37:57 17 Antoniio
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2025-03-21 09:00:00 25 220,118
2025-03-20 09:00:00 25 -1 220,118 -24,427
2025-03-19 09:00:00 26 244,545 +104
2025-03-18 09:00:00 26 244,441 -414
2025-03-17 09:00:00 26 244,855
2025-03-16 09:00:00 26 -1 244,855 -26,746
2025-03-15 09:00:00 27 271,601
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2025-03-21 0 seconds
2025-03-20 3 minutes
2025-03-19 27 minutes
2025-03-18 18 minutes
2025-03-17 8 minutes
2025-03-16 1 minute
2025-03-15 25 minutes
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2025-03-20 14:50:00 2025-03-20 14:52:00 2m 25
2025-03-20 06:58:00 2025-03-20 07:01:00 3m 25
2025-03-19 19:39:00 2025-03-19 19:57:00 18m 26
2025-03-19 15:21:00 2025-03-19 15:32:00 11m 26
2025-03-18 18:07:00 2025-03-18 18:26:00 19m 26
2025-03-17 18:12:00 2025-03-17 18:20:00 8m 27
2025-03-17 10:33:00 2025-03-17 10:35:00 2m 26
2025-03-16 08:01:00 2025-03-16 08:03:00 2m 26
2025-03-15 21:27:00 2025-03-15 21:50:00 23m 27
2025-03-15 18:06:00 2025-03-15 18:10:00 4m 27
2025-03-14 13:45:00 2025-03-14 13:56:00 11m 27
2025-03-12 07:22:00 2025-03-12 07:26:00 4m 27
2025-03-09 17:39:00 2025-03-09 17:47:00 8m 29
2025-03-08 17:52:00 2025-03-08 18:12:00 20m 29
2025-03-08 07:47:00 2025-03-08 07:50:00 3m 29
2025-03-07 18:56:00 2025-03-07 19:06:00 10m 29
2025-03-07 17:14:00 2025-03-07 17:19:00 5m 29
2025-03-07 07:24:00 2025-03-07 07:29:00 5m 29
2025-03-06 20:19:00 2025-03-06 20:33:00 14m 29
2025-03-05 19:49:00 2025-03-05 19:53:00 4m 29
Level change history
7 2024-09-16 13 2024-09-17 15 2024-09-18 16 2024-09-23 17 2024-09-24
18 2024-09-26 19 2024-09-28 20 2024-09-30 22 2024-10-01 24 2024-10-05
25 2024-10-07 26 2024-10-11 27 2024-10-19 28 2024-10-25 29 2024-10-28
29 2024-11-29 30 2024-12-15 29 2025-01-22 30 2025-01-23 29 2025-03-06
27 2025-03-10 26 2025-03-16 25 2025-03-20